EPA says B.R. is meeting ozone standards

11 15, 2011 by Greater Baton Rouge Business Report

The EPA today reversed the Baton Rouge area's non-attainment status for meeting ozone standard requirements, saying ground-level ozone in the area has decreased and air quality has improved. "Baton Rouge has shown that when the city, state, and business community work together, everyone benefits," says EPA Regional Administrator Al Armendariz in a release. "Cleaner air is an asset for people's health, the environment, and the economy. Louisiana should be proud of this achievement."

On Aug. 31, 2010, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality submitted a request to change the area's designation to attainment from non-attainment. The EPA proposed to approve the plan after a thorough analysis of the state's submission and review of public comments. Preliminary air quality data for 2011 continues to show the area is meeting the 1997 eight-hour standard, the EPA says, as well as the one-hour standard for ozone. Additional information on the eight-hour ozone standard is available here. The EPA says Louisiana has demonstrated the five-parish area will be able to maintain compliance with ozone standards for the next 10 years, adding it will continue to work with state and local officials to ensure the area remains in compliance.