Hurricane Resources

Louisiana’s oil and gas industry is committed to protecting its employees, contractors, facilities and the environment from the impacts of hurricanes. This includes efforts to minimize environmental releases caused by potential storms and a commitment to safely and quickly bringing operations back to normal.

Fact Sheet: Hurricane Preparations & the Oil and Gas Industry


LMOGA & Hurricanes

LMOGA plays an active role during hurricane and other emergency events.

Prior to landfall, LMOGA staff is actively engaged with state and federal agencies regarding the development and issuance of any emergency orders and/or waivers.Once issued, LMOGA makes these available to members. LMOGA also provides assessments of the anticipated industry impacts and potential industry needs to officials. After landfall, LMOGA staff mans the state's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and the Business Operations Center (BEOC). The LMOGA office is also activated to assist in the response efforts. The staff coordinates the two-way communications needs between member companies and the appropriate state and federal agencies.