John: Hurricane response shows the spirit of the oil and gas industry

09 11, 2017 by Chris John | The Daily Advertiser

Every day, a countless number of folks get out of bed and go to work providing the energy America needs to prosper. We do this with little fanfare and most often unnoticed. Focusing on delivering safe and affordable energy to the American people is in the forefront of our concerns. Yet, in times of adversity, the oil and gas industry always steps up to plate and delivers. This is exactly what happened as Hurricane Harvey took dead aim at our coast.

Hurricane Harvey walloped sections of southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana with hurricane winds and historic flooding. Our thoughts and prayers, as always, are extended to the people that were impacted by this storm. As soon as Harvey made its way out of the impacted areas, the oil and gas industry took swift action. The response was prompt and impressive. As I worked with our members during the initial recovery, I found that LMOGA member companies had already donated nearly $34 million dollars to the recovery efforts.

ExxonMobil led the way, donating $9.5 million between the American Red Cross and United Way of Houston. ConocoPhillips followed with $5 million between Red Cross and United Way. CITGO pitched in $5 million, while Phillips 66 added $4 million. BHP offered $1.25 million. Chevron, Anadarko, Shell, Hess, Cheniere, Marathon Petroleum, Chevron Phillips Chemical, and Valero all donated $1 million. BP and BP Foundation gave $750,000 plus a donation of 100,000 gallons of fuel to first responders. Enbridge donated $225,000. In addition to the tens of millions in monetary contributions, the industry is mobilizing supplies for victims, volunteers for cleanup, and other recovery efforts. Additionally, they have organized food bank drives among their employees. All told, they have spent countless man hours helping victims.

I say all of this because, frankly, the oil and gas industry often goes unrecognized for their good deeds; and to point out that industry deeply cares about our neighbors in the communities where we live, work, fish, and hunt. We saw that after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and we are seeing it again after Harvey. Industry looks forward to again working with the impacted communities and being a part of the solution. We can do so much more if we work hand-in-hand. That's the spirit of the oil and gas industry.