LMOGA Responds to More Energy, More Jobs Act

02 25, 2021 by LMOGA

The Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association (LMOGA) made the following statements in response to the introduction of the More Energy, More Jobs Act:

"LMOGA is pleased to see bipartisan support for predictable, reliable energy leasing and permitting on the outer continental shelf from Congressman Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Henry Cuellar (D-TX) with the promising legislation they introduced today," said LMOGA President Tyler Gray. "The More Energy, More Jobs Act, and similar measures like the Conservation Funding Protection Act from Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) and Representative Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), offer much-needed hope for the offshore energy industry and the thousands of high paying jobs it supports amidst the uncertainty dealt by the recent Biden Orders. We encourage more support for these bills in both Chambers of Congress and call on the Department of the Interior to restore the OCS leasing and permitting programs as soon as possible."