LMOGA Statement on BSEE Well Control Rule

05 02, 2019 by News Release

BATON ROUGE, LA (May 2, 2019) --- The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) finalized the Well Control Rule (WCR) under the Obama Administration in 2016. The Trump Administration’s regulatory reform initiative included the re-proposal of the Well Control Rule (WCR) in 2018. This week the WCR is expected to be released as a final rule.

“The oil and gas industry has a long history of safely producing American energy in the Gulf of Mexico and LMOGA’s members support a continued robust offshore industry that balances safe offshore operations with environmental protection,” said LMOGA President and General Counsel, Tyler Gray.

“The 2016 Well Control Rule was significantly flawed with a one-size-fits-all approach that did not recognize the variability of operations and engineering specific to each well. LMOGA greatly appreciates BSEE’s thorough review of the WCR and the robust stakeholder engagement to ensure input from over 300 technical experts. Safety in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) is of utmost importance to LMOGA and our members. We look forward to reviewing the final Well Control Rule as we aim to restore certainty and predictability to the offshore permitting and regulatory regimes.”

Louisiana Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association, founded in 1923, is a trade association exclusively representing all sectors of the oil and gas industry operating in Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico. LMOGA serves exploration and production, refining, transportation, marketing and midstream companies as well as other firms in the fields of law, engineering, environment, financing and government relations.