Shale, insurance topics of business forum

07 09, 2012 by The Advocate

The West Feliciana Economic Development Commission is sponsoring separate meetings this month to discuss the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale oil exploration topics and insurance tips for small businesses.

The discussion of recent oil exploration developments in the area will be at 6 p.m. July 17 at the West Feliciana High School auditorium, Economic Development Director Dennis Manshack said.

Manshack said the tentative agenda includes expectations for leasing and production during the next six months and the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association’s profitability assessment based on recent production data.

The small business information seminar is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. July 18 at the West Feliciana Parish Fire District headquarters, 9892 West Feliciana Parkway. The free seminar will cover perils insurance, business interruption insurance, recovery from fire, water or wind damage and how to plan for such events.

Anyone wishing to attend the meetings is asked to register in advance by sending an email to or calling (225) 784-3672.