Aug 10th, 2022

Back to School Fueled by Oil and Natural Gas

Petroleum powers school supplies 1

Ashley Cain

Director of Public and Government Affairs


It’s back-to-school season in Louisiana and as you prepare kids for the start of another year, oil and natural gas is probably not top of mind. But without oil and natural gas, our classrooms and schools would look very different. As we get ready for a new school year, here are just a few things you might not know come from petroleum: backpacks, glue, ink pens, crayons, and calculators.

Many backpacks are made from nylon, which is derived from oil and natural gas. Glue is manufactured from petroleum. Ink pens are made from petroleum-based products. Crayons are made from paraffin wax which is a substance that is extracted from petroleum. Calculators contain plastics that are made from petroleum. Anything plastic – like scissors, markers, binders, rulers, pencil cases, and more – require polymers made from oil and natural gas.

So, the next time you’re shopping for a new school year, remember that the oil and natural gas industry makes the back-to-school transition possible. Good luck this school year!

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